Finance-> Accounting-> Chart Of Account screen:
a. Is used for the definition of main accounts and sub accounts in the chart-of-accounts tree.
b. Click Add Root button to create the first level of the tree… enter Arabic and English Name. example: Asset… then enter other details in the screen.
i. Reference No: for integration with other systems.
ii. Employee: to define employee account example: Loan.
iii. Entity Type: optional. Select if the account is dedicated for a certain entity. Example: company, supplier, …etc.
iv. Entity Name: to select name of the entity based on selected Entity Type.
v. Click Save.
c. To view or edit any level, select the level and click Edit button.
d. To create a sub level, select the root level then click Add Child button and follow same steps.
e. To move any sublevel to another level, move the selected level by using drag and drop.