1 - Duty Time Definition

1 - Duty Time Definition

Payroll-> Time Attendance-> Duty Time Definition screen:

a.      Is used for the definition of duty time groups.

b.      Duty Rules page:

                                                     i.     When hovering over some field labels, a textbox will be displayed containing the explanation of the field.

                                                   ii.     After filling the fields in this page, click Save And Continue Edit in order to entering timings in the next page.

c.       Duty Timings page:

                                                     i.     Click Add New Duty Time.

                                                   ii.     Select Day Type (Working Day) and select Days... example: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

                                                  iii.     Is 2 Shifts: if selected, Second Shift section will be displayed under First Shift Section.

                                                  iv.     Of Next Day: means Time To will be in next day.

                                                   v.     When hovering over some field labels, a textbox will be displayed containing the explanation of the field.

                                                  vi.     Allowed Late In Minutes: example: if 10 minutes is defined and an employee is arrived late for 11 minutes, the system will show that he is late for 11 minutes not just 1 minute.

                                                 vii.     Allowed Early Out Minutes: example: if 10 minutes is defined and an employee left office 11 minutes early , the system will show that he is punched out 11 minutes early not just 1 minute.

                                                viii.     Click Save.

                                                  ix.     Click Add New Duty Time.

                                                    x.     Repeat the same for the next Day Type (Weekly Holiday) and select Day... example: Friday.

                                                  xi.     Repeat the same for the next Day Type (Rest Day) and select Day... example: Saturday.


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