Payroll-> Deductions-> Various Deduction screen:
a. Used for entering monthly various transactions to be deducted from employee salary.
b. After selecting the Employee, uncalculated Salary Month will be displayed as default.
c. Transactions cannot be modified in final calculated salary month.
d. Various Deduction Type related to Various Deduction Policy screen in policies menu.
e. Based on Various Deduction Type, the below fields will be displayed (if type is Amount, only Amount field will be displayed / if type is days, Quantity and Amount fields will be displayed / if type is hours, either Quantity and Amount fields will be displayed or Hours and Minutes will be displayed based on hours’ policy).
f. Deducted / Deducted Date: means that the amount is already paid on the entered date.
g. If the transaction entered in posted month, Deducted option should be selected.