25 - Employee Details

25 - Employee Details

Master-> Employee-> Employee Details screen:

a.      Upload employee photo.

b.      Employee No. can’t be duplicated.

c.       Employee Type: Normal: monthly salary, School: follow school policies, Timesheet: hourly salary.

d.      Employee Arabic and English Name should be entered correctly.

e.      Inactive employees (Status) will not appear in transactions screens.

f.       Enter other information’s in Details page.

g.      Enter employee address in Address page.

h.      Mobile Contract Policy section in Address page: used to enter employee mobiles under company contract. Maximum Covered Amount: means exceeded covered amount will be deducted from employee (Payroll Menu / Mobile Payment screen).

i.        Click Save And Continue Edit.

j.        Employment page:

                                                     i.     Organization Structure:

1.      Used to select organization structure which employee working in.

2.      When the employee moved to another organization structure, add new record with new Transaction Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                   ii.     Reporting To:

1.      Is used for the definition of employee direct in charge (manager or supervisor... etc.).

2.      Add new record with new Transaction Date to keep history.

                                                  iii.     Location:

1.      Is used for the definition of employee physical location (branch).

2.      Add new record with new Transaction Date to keep history.

                                                  iv.     Job Group:

1.      Is used for the definition of Job category based on employee level.

2.      Add new record with new Transaction Date to keep history.

                                                   v.     Job Title / Grade:

1.      Is used for the definition of employee job title and grade.

2.      Add new record with new Transaction Date to keep history.

                                                  vi.     Contract Renewal:

1.      Used to renew employee contract (if contract type is specific).

2.      Add new record with new Transaction Date to keep history. 

k.      Work Permit page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of employee work permit details.

                                                   ii.     Select Company License which employee residency on.

                                                  iii.     Government Contract to be selected if the employee work permit related to a government contract.

                                                  iv.     Work Permit Job Title/Work Permit Type, will reflect company license quota… OR will reflect government contract quota (if employee under government contract).

l.        Salary page:

                                                     i.     Basic Salary:

1.      Due Month: the month basic salary started on.

2.      Effective Date: no need to enter if in same Due Month… if in different date, salary will be calculated based on this date. example: if Due Month is 8/2021 and Effective Date is 20/7/2021, 10 days’ salary will be added to August 2021 salary.

3.      Effective Date can’t be greater than Due Month.

4.      To change the salary, add new record with new Due Month… don't update the existing record (keep history).

5.      Due Month can’t be duplicated.

                                                   ii.     Salary Allowances:

1.      Due Month and Effective Date: same as above.

2.      Due Month can’t be duplicated for the same Allowance Type.

3.      Other fields in the screen already explained in Allowance Type Policy above.

m.    Bank page:

                                                     i.     Enter employee bank details which you transfer salary to.

                                                   ii.     Salary Account: salary will be transferred to this account. if not selected, it will not be displayed in salary bank transfer.

                                                  iii.     Salary Account selection can be select for one account only (if employee has more than one account).

n.      Policies page:

                                                     i.     Annual Leave And Working Days Policy:

1.      The default policy will be defined automatically with adding new employee.

2.      Based on the defined policy and Effective Date, system will calculate working days and annual leave balance value.

3.      Effective Date in first record should be same as Date Of Join.

4.      When the policy is changed, add a new record with new Effective Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                   ii.     Sick Leave Policy:

1.      The default policy will be defined automatically with adding new employee.

2.      Based on the defined policy and Effective Date, system will calculate sick leave days and deduction value.

3.      Effective Date in first record should be same as Date Of Join.

4.      When the policy is changed, add a new record with new Effective Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                  iii.     Indemnity Policy:

1.      The default policy will be defined automatically with adding new employee.

2.      Based on the defined policy and Effective Date, system will calculate end of service period and value.

3.      Effective Date in first record should be same as Date Of Join.

4.      When the policy is changed, add a new record with new Effective Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                  iv.     Overtime Policy:

1.      The default policy will be defined automatically with adding new employee.

2.      Based on the defined policy and Effective Date, system will calculate overtime quantity and value.

3.      Effective Date in first record should be same as Date Of Join.

4.      When the policy is changed, add a new record with new Effective Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                   v.     Attendance Locations:

1.      Is used for the definition of attendance locations.

2.      Multiple attendance locations can be added.

3.      When the location is changed, replace the existing record.

o.      Social Security page:

                                                     i.     Employee Social Security Policy:

1.      Based on the defined policy and Effective Date, system will calculate social security.

2.      Social Security Qualification for Kuwaiti employees only (Not GCC).

3.      Based on data entered in this screen, social security salary values will be calculated in Social Security Salary screen (below).

4.      When the policy is changed, add a new record with new Effective Date… don't update the existing record (keep history).

                                                   ii.     Social Security Salary:

1.      Data will be filled automatically based on details entered in Employee Social Security Policy screen.

2.      New records can be added, deleted or update the existing.

p.      Relatives page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of employee relatives.

                                                   ii.     Arabic and English Name should be entered correctly.

q.      Air Ticket page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of air tickets entitlements.

                                                   ii.     Total Amount: total air tickets amount if employee entitled for one ticket or more.

                                                  iii.     Airport Destination: can be defined in Country definition screen.

                                                  iv.     To stop the entitlement, enter Stop Date.

r.       School Fees page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of school fees entitlements.

                                                   ii.     To stop the entitlement, enter Stop Date.

s.       Insurance page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of medical and life insurance.

t.       Education page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of employee educations and certificates.

u.      Career History page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of work experience before joining.

v.      Other Documents page:

                                                     i.     Is used for the definition of other employee documents that have expiry date.

                                                   ii.     Define Document Types in Employee Documents Type definition screen.

w.     Document Archiving page:

                                                     i.     Used to upload employee document like passport copy, civil ID… etc.

                                                   ii.     Try not to upload large documents in order not to consume unnecessary storage space.

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