Payroll-> Leave-> Other Leave screen:
a. Used for entering other leave like: Maternity, Haj, …etc.
b. Calculation is based on Other Leave Policy.
c. After selecting Employee and entering Date From and To, select Leave Type and click Calculate.
d. Days Distribution page: will display salary deductions (if there are any).
e. Working Days Salary: Basic Salary + Allowances.
f. Leave Days Salary: Basic Salary + Allowance included during Other leave.
g. Delegated employee can be selected.
h. If a transaction is entered for an employee that has allowance and not included in other leave, allowance amount for leave days will be deducted from employee salary even if the transaction was in a posted salary month.
i. Leave can be entered from this screen or through Employee Self Service (mobile App).
j. When employee is back from leave, Actual Duty Resumption Date has to be entered (from screen or ESS).