Employee Goals

Employee Goals

Step 1: Define Goals Cycle

  1. Navigate to HR > Goals > Goals Cycle.
  2. Click Add New to define a new cycle for the year.

·        Specify the start and end dates (Date From – Date To).

Step 2: Define Rating Scale

  1. Go to HR > Goals > Rating Scale.
  2. Click Add New to create a new scale.

·        Example: Name it “Objective Rating Scale”.

  1. Save and continue, then start adding the scale values.

Step 3: Add Objectives or Goals Group

  1. After setting up the main definitions, add a new objectives or goals group with a scaling rule (by rate or average).
  2. Define the required goals for:

·        Employee

·        Division

·        Competency

·        Development

·        Responsibility

  1. Assign weights (if using in scale values) and set the minimum and maximum number of items that will be visible to the employee.
  2. Save and continue.
  3. Link employees to the group:

·        Add employees individually or in bulk, specifying an effective date.

Note: Ensure all employees are linked to the Goal Group as follows:

  • Go to Masters > Employee Details.
  • From the Policies section in the employee profile, navigate to Goals.
  • Click Add New, choose the group, and specify the effective date.

Step 4: Define Competencies

  1. Define your organization-specific competencies.



Step 5: Set Up Workflow

  1. Navigate to HR > Self Service > Workflow Setup.
  2. Add a new goal type.
  3. Fill out the steps according to your policy and required processes.
  4. Save the workflow setup.

Step 6: Activate Goals

  1. Go to HR > Goals and initiate Goal Activation Requests.
  2. Click Add New, then:

·        Select the goal step and cycle.

·        Choose the employees.

·        Submit the requests.

Step 7: Employee Action on Goals

  1. The employee will receive the request and can upload predefined goals from a template “Load from Template”.
  2. Employees can edit or add items as necessary.

Step 8: Generate Reports

  1. After the goal cycle is completed, generate a report to review goal statuses.
  2. Reports can be filtered by:

·        Status

·        Missing Goals

·        Missing Ratings.


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