This document serves as a comprehensive guide for effectively setting up and utilizing the Recruitment Module within your organization. It outlines step-by-step instructions for configuring the recruitment process, from defining the subdomain for the career portal to managing candidate applications and finalizing hires.
IT Team
Recruitment Team
o Navigate to the Career Portal: Open the designated career portal link provided by your organization.
o Select a Job: Browse through the available job vacancies and select the one that interests you.
o Fill the Application Form: Complete the application form as per the predefined fields.
o Complete the Questionnaire: If required, fill out any questionnaire related to the job application.
Submit the Application:
Review the information provided and submit your application. You should see a
confirmation message or email acknowledging your submission (based on the stage
Recruitment Team
- Within the applications page, navigate to the Pipeline Stages.
- Identify the candidate application you want to view and click on it.
- Info Tab: View the candidate's personal and professional details.
- Address Tab: Check the candidate's address and contact information.
- Resume Tab: Access the candidate's resume file, if it has been enabled in the settings
- Residency Tab: Enter residency details for internal use by the department concerned
- Employment Tab:
o Enter employment request information from salary, benefits entitlement ending by cost allocation
o Start an employment request workflow by clicking the Submit Request button.
- Notes Tab: Hiring team can add notes related to the candidate
o Private Notes: Only visible to the user who created them.
o Public Notes: Visible to other members of the hiring team.
- Scorecard Tab: If a scorecard is set for the position (Hiring team members can rate the candidate based on the defined scorecard template)
- Team Scorecards Tab: Aggregates individual ratings and feedback from the hiring team for a consolidated view.
- Documents Tab: Upload and manage any candidate-related documents.
- Tasks Tab: Create tasks for yourself or assign them to other members of the hiring team.
- Questionnaires Tab: View candidate responses to the job-related questionnaire, if applicable.
- Meetings Tab: Schedule interviews with the candidate by setting a specific date and time for the meeting.
- Job Offer Tab: After the employment request approval
o Send a job offer email to the candidate.
o Track their approval or rejection status.
- Once the employment request is approved, you can Click the Hire button and complete the required employee data to finalize the hiring process.